I'm tired
My legs are tired. My right leg is sore in the calf region, I look like an old lady hobbiling around, not very inspiring to the people around me who know I run and don't run themselves. I'm sure they are all like no thank you, look at her she can barely walk. I have had this before, I know it just needs to rest and it will feel better. I've been going too fast with little recovery, I'll slow down, I didn't even try to be faster it just keeps happening. I don't know my own speed!
I upped my mid week milage this week and am going to cut back my long run this weekend, mostly because next week my kids go back to school and I am going to do my long runs on Tuesday's. So, I'll run about 9 on Sunday and then 17 on Tuesday. Yikes!
I've got more to say, I've just gotta go now, so I'll be back maybe later.
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