Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Out of commission!

Well, I'm happy to say I have not been out of commission because of an injury or anything like that. There was a death though, my computer died. This is my new computer that is MUCH faster and prettier than my old computer. Anyway, I'm way behind on my posts.

The rest of training went pretty good. My last 20 kinda sucked, but I finished it and learned not to slack on preparedness. I think I thought, "oh, I've done this before and it was fine" well, not so much. But, lesson learned and I'm going to be better prepared all around for the marathon itself. Anyone else feel like we are not even training anymore for anything? It's kinda weird. I've been looking forward to the taper for awhile and now that it's here I want it to be over. I can't wait to get out there and run.

I'm trying to find the balance between getting all excited about the big day and staying calm as to not screw up the big day, you know what I mean? I've been watching the video's on Chicago marathon.com and that other one Running With the Gods just to get revved up, I was crying the other night watching them. My husband is being very supportive and encouraging about not freaking out.

I've decided I am not going to freak out about the weather. Yeah, the weather channel says it's going to be pretty crappy on Sunday, but it's only Tuesday, so we'll see. Even if it is going to be crappy, I can't do anything about it, it will just change my outfit a little, but I'll survive and not freak out. I'm sticking to not freaking out.

Alright, I've got to get back to the business of tapering, which means obsessively looking for more marathon people on the web to read about their plans and how their tapers are going. I should be using my time more wisely, but my mind is a little pre-occupied and I can't think real straight and I am a little unreachable by my friends and family, anyone else like this? It's a weird discovery about this marathon thing. I had to come home twice yesterday because I forgot things at home that I needed for my kids school and then I went to my own school and almost got to class before I remembered I forgot something at home AGAIN! A lot of back and forth yesterday, I can't think straight. I hope my brain returns after this thing.


At 8:39 AM, Blogger LeahC said...

Alright, I've got to get back to the business of tapering, which means obsessively looking for more marathon people on the web to read about

HA! I have totally done more marathon people web surfing in the last two weeks than the rest of the year combined :-)


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